
"If your head is made of butter, don’t sit by the fire."

Makes sense, huh? This my favorite quote for the week. So many ways to apply this. How about- use some common sense. Except it doesn't seem to be so common anymore. You'd think you wouldn't have to say it, but sooner or later the warmth of the fire will draw you in. Temptation is so strong. I had a friend in college that used to say- "I can resist everything except temptation." I'll let you think about that one.


Bryce King

You can go here to see the Bryce Blog. Bryce was taken home to heaven last week. It has been a really tough couple of days. To see a 17 year olds life cut short is not an easy thing. But his life was not for nothing. A year ago, his passing would have been a real tragedy, and although his death was untimely and an unimagineable loss- we now know that he is in heaven. I had the honor of hearing that he turned his life over to Jesus and got to be the one that baptized him. Even Bryce's baptism was unique. When he came up out of the water he threw his hands in the air, yelled "YEAH!" and shook like a dog!

His memorial service tonight was incredible. I heard story after story of the difference he made in others' lives.

See you soon Bryce! This life is but a vapor. It appears for a little while, then it's gone. See you soon!


To Bryce

Bryce came into our lives about a year ago. Friday night he passed from this life to the next, an eternal one where he will never have to worry, feel pain, go through the mess that we are so familiar with in this life. He's in heaven. I know that because I had the privilege of hearing about his belief in Jesus and how he wanted to follow Christ just before I baptized him. We'll miss him for now, but we'll see him again one day.