
Eagles Implosion

Philly sports teams have always amazed me. They seem to settle for mediocrity on a consistent basis. Every once in a while, there's a glimmer of hope. Last year, the Eagles decided to actually try and win. They obtained Kearse and the infamous TO to try and strengthen an already above average team. They'd made it to the NFC championship game for how many years? Now they have the missing weapons they've needed. The 04 season is going great. Then TO gets hurt... BUT they continue to do well. They make it all the way to the Super Bowl, virtually without TO. Then they lose. Okay, but next year looks good too. They still have the main ingredients. The 05 season is on the horizon. TO begins his antics. Mo money. What a yutz. Just play the game, have fun and take what you agreed to. If you did worse, the team wouldn't be allowed to renegotiate for LESS, would they? Not if you were abiding by the terms of the contract. Well, he holds out, comes back, then is sent home.................. comes back.... supposedly "has injuries." Questions leadership, including upper management and peer leaders, just waiting for someone to pick a fight. Nobody does, so he picks it himself. Gets suspended. Gets cut. Gets no stats for the rest of the year. Gets no points on the board. Gets no Super Bowl. Gets a rest. Someone should have told him to Get Lost before now. IF the Eagles would have gotten rid of him in preseason, maybe... they wouldn't have counted on him... gotten Reggie Brown a little more prepared... gotten McNabb the surgery he needed, when he needed it instead of letting him play hurt for all this time... then when he did come back @ 100% and they still had half a season left, they might have a shot at something. But instead, they are below 500 and McNabb should be out for a few weeks. And they're going nowhere. As my history teacher used to say, 'the only thing that man has learned from history, is that man has not learned from history.' Can't water last years crops. Just do 'the next right thing.'

maybe next I'll be on Iverson and the Sixers.

I'm not very good at this

I do quite a bit of thinking, but actually writing these things down takes time and effort. And why would I want to rant away at some stupid things. I think I must do that now, for one main reason::: just in case someone else reads it and can draw from what I've learned, written or experienced. There are other reasons as well, I suppose. Maybe someone will identify with it and realize "hey, there is someone out there as sane as I am!"