Will Someone Shut that Rooster Up?
As I was mowing the grass today I started thinking about my life as a "pastor." The accolades, the pats on the back, the constant cheers, notes of encouragement left anonymously on the windshield, the riches, the fame- ah, who am I kidding. You know better than that, right? I've never had so many enemies for nothing. Well, I've said from day one that I didn't want to be treated like a "normal pastor," whatever that is. I wanted to be treated like everyone else. I AM like everyone else. I might have a different vocation, but I'm just like everyone else. Don't call me Rev. or whatever, just call me John or what you are comfortable calling me. Somewhere along the way, someone stuck us in the flippin fishbowl when I wasn't looking. I never claimed to be Jesus. I never said I was perfect. However, I can identify with some things the Bible says Jesus went through a little. So many times I've had people tell me (usually just after someone else betrays me) "I'd never do that to you John." I always tell them, "never say never" (Peter/Judas). Inevitably, and usually within a short period of time, it happens. I wonder if they ever hear a rooster crow after about the third time they do it. Does anything remind them of the words they recently spoke? Usually it happens because of something they've "heard" or a misunderstanding or something ridiculous. Ya know, 1 Tim. 5.19 says "Do not listen to complaints against an elder unless there are two or three witnesses against him." Again, am I perfect? Never claimed to be. But have we done anything that deserves the gossip and character assassination that befalls us at times? We certainly haven't had two or three witnesses come to us with anything of any substance, or anything at all for that matter. Can we get the benefit of the doubt once in a while? Everyone else demands a second chance. A few times I've given that second chance and others get bent out of shape because of it. But I'm sure they would have wanted it too, eh? Why don't I get the second chance? No grace for the "man of the cloth?" Why not just talk to me like I was your friend? Too many distractions- Maybe the rooster is making too much noise?
I have always wondered why there is such a double standard concerning pastors and their families. I think sometimes people demand that their pastors lead the spiritual life that they themselves refuse to live. When they perceive a flaw or a failure, they are being forced to look into the mirror and see themselves. Instead of relishing the fact that their pastor is a man just like they are, they get angry about it. I think it's because you can't fail at anything if you never try and their "lack of failure" means they are quite comfy on the bench watching the rest of the team battle it out.
Thankfully, God is the great rewarder of deeds and not man.
Hang in there brothuh
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